EAU Section of Uropathology
The EAU Uropathology Section aims to improve uropathology practice and to create a platform to advance knowledge about the importance of uropathology in clinical practice and the collaboration among pathologists and urologists.
The section started as a group of uropathologists from European countries involved in international societies of pathology and was established to address the growing need for specialised knowledge in the pathology of urological disease.
For whom
Our activities are mainly geared to urologists and they support anyone involved in diagnosis, treatment and research (oncologists, medical trainees, healthcare professional, researchers) through collaboration and education activities.
A reciprocal understanding of uropathology could address the choice of therapy based on tumour characterisation, that impact the clinical decision-making by a large degree.

Prof. M. Colecchia (IT)
Dr. D. Berney (GB)
Dr. M. Eckstein (DE)
Prof. T. Gevaert (BE)
Prof. Dr. A. Hartmann (DE)
Dr. J. Lobo (PT)
Dr. M.R. Raspollini (IT)
Dr. A. Cimadamore (IT)
Prof. Dr. A. Lopez-Beltran (PT)
Prof. G. Mikuz (AT)
Prof. R. Montironi (IT)
What we do
The Uropathology Section engages in a variety of activities including the Annual scientific meeting and holds joint sessions at the EAU’s Annual Congress, featuring presentations and discussion on current topics in uropathology and webinars conducted to provide updates on the latest research, diagnostic techniques and clinical practices led by experts. Section members are involved in the creation and revision of clinical guidelines and publications for disseminating research findings and review through journals to keep the community informed about advancement and best practices.