YAU Working Group Penile & Testis Cancer
The evaluation and management of penile and testis Cancers are highly heterogeneous and often non-optimized across countries. Similarly, unfortunately, these cancers are often poorly studied based on the paucity of cases cared for outside of the tertiary care referral and/or supra-regionalization center. In consequence, the new YAU working group on “Penile & Testis Cancer” will have both an educational and research mission to promote evidence-based diagnostic and treatment standards across Europe on specific topics along with other initiatives. These activities will gather contributions from international future leaders on the subject matter and integrate cutting-edge innovative research topics such that exciting novel discoveries can be disseminated across the European scientific community.

Prof. Dr. C. Fankhauser (CH)
Dr. M. Bandini (IT)
Prof. Dr. F. Castiglione (GB)
Dr. H.M. De Vries (NL)
Dr. G. Fallara (IT)
Dr. J. Lobo (PT)
Dr. K.H. Pang (GB)
Mr. A. Sachdeva (GB)
Dr. A. Thomas (DE)
Dr. I. Anselmo da Costa Santiago (DE)
Dr. L. Antonelli (IT)
Dr. G. Basile (IT)
Dr. W. Cazzaniga (IT)
Ms. J. Chorbińska (PL)
Dr. M. Christodoulidou (GB)
Dr. L. Elst (BE)
Dr. D. Glombik (SE)
Dr. J.B. Grogg (CH)
Dr. S. Nazzani (IT)
Prof. Dr. P. Paffenholz (DE)
Mr. A. Poterek (PL)
Ms. S. Yan (GB)
Dr. A. Territo (ES)
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